Leaving Toxic Relationships

Leaving Toxic Relationships

When you are married or you are dating someone, you should love that person and you should be with that person in happiness. But, at the same time, you should be able to live your life independently as well.

Sometimes though, relationships can cause emotional and other problems. The problem with this is that we don’t always see these things when we get into a relationship, and this means that there might be less solutions to the problem. It can be hard for people to adjust to a relationship, and this can cause emotions to come up and if both people aren’t willing to fix things, the relationship can’t be fixed.

In the end, being intimate with someone can lead to something unhealthy and this can cause you to have mental and emotional problems, and this can be hard for both people in the relationship.

Problems that come with love usually happen because there is a lack of communication or a lack of trust. When this comes up, it can lead to betrayal, jealousy, and other negative feelings. Other issues in relationships can be family issues with parents-in-laws or with children that come from a previous relationship or marriage.

What Causes Toxic Relationships?

Here are some things that can cause your relationship to be toxic:

  • Mood Swings and Behavior or Language Aggression

When someone has mood swings it can make the problems in the relationship bigger. If these problems aren’t fixed, then this can lead to someone being attacked verbally which can increase shame and can cause the person to have self-esteem problems. This can also cause someone to feel humiliated which can lead them to feel worthless.

As the emotions move up and down due to violent or aggressive behavior, this can cause there to be more fights and aggressiveness and it will increase over time. Some people will have emotional attacks or anger, and this can cause psychological barriers and there has to be some kind of guidance to make this work out.

  • Cold Violence

Cold violence is a way of attacking someone that brings more internal damage to the other person. This can be when a partner shows indifference to the person and ignores them. This is worse sometimes than fighting and arguing.

At least when a couple is fighting, they see and hear each other, and they are able to express what they are feeling. This allows them to be protected in their feelings. When it comes to cold violence though, the harm is there but it is quiet harm and so it causes the other person to feel worthless and to lose their self-esteem. This isn’t as violent as fighting but it is more of a betrayal.

People that are abused will come to the point where they begin to doubt themselves and deny themselves. There are different mental and physical problems that come with these negative feelings, and they can get stronger which leads to outbursts and emotional swings.

Getting Out of a Toxic Relationship

If you are in a toxic relationship you have to put yourself first. You have to get through your emotions and learn to adjust and communicate with each other. You will need to figure out how to fix your problems. The problem is that most people that get in these positions have to adjust themselves differently.

If you aren’t able to adjust yourself, this is normal, and the partner is often living in their own emotions. When two parties have this kind of relationship, it can cause one party to lose interest and it can cause the relationship to get worse and worse until it needs to end. When this happens, there needs to be professional help to see if things can work out or not.

Take courage and make changes that you need to get out of a toxic relationship. When you seek out a professional, make sure that you are looking at the problem with an open mind. Don’t try to blame yourself or your partner completely for what is going wrong but make sure that you are fair with both you and them.

Be wise when it comes to problem solving and make sure that you are safe when it comes to living in a relationship that has a lot of strong emotions and feelings.


  1. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential problems in relationships, including mood swings and cold violence. It is critical to understand these dynamics and address them early with effective communication strategies.

  2. The article rightly emphasizes the importance of self-care in toxic relationships. It’s important to remember that seeking professional support is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards emotional well-being.

  3. The discussion about the lack of communication and trust being central to toxic relationships is crucial. It demonstrates how foundational elements of a relationship can degrade over time.

    • I agree, Frauline. Effective communication practices could potentially mitigate many issues highlighted in the article, especially in recognizing and addressing mood swings and emotional attacks.

  4. An insightful piece on the intricacies of toxic relationships. The distinction between emotional and physical abuse helps readers understand the subtleties of relational harm.

  5. It’s interesting how the article distinguishes between overt aggression and cold violence, highlighting how both can equally impact self-esteem and emotional well-being. The emphasis on seeking professional help is a key takeaway.


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