Dealing with Invisible Wounds

Dealing with Invisible Wounds

A romantic relationship with a karmic bond means that you are with someone there to teach you a lesson or heal your past life of hurt and pain. This kind of relationship is someone that is in your soul group.

Even though a karmic relationship can be hard, the point is to end in happiness and have healing energies that can make your life whole.

Karmic relationships are relationships that are soulmate relationships, and they all have passion with the heart. These relationships can be hard, and at times they can break your heart, but if you follow these relationships, it can lead you down a better life path.

Signs of a Karmic Relationship

Here are some signs that might appear if you find yourself in a karmic relationship:

  • Strong passion
  • Being obsessed
  • Having a strong attraction
  • Increase in the heart chakra
  • Being drawn to the person
  • Agreeing to change
  • Acting like your partner
  • Strong emotions
  • Dislike and strong feelings

These are just a few signs of a karmic relationship, and these happen because people in these types of relationships have a past that is full of pain and hurt and has not been healed. This kind of relationship brings out the parts of the heart that have not healed yet and need to have soul growth.

If you are with someone in your soul group, chances are they are there to mirror you and show you new things about yourselves.

These relationships will grow and help heal and change you, but that does not mean you will always get along. You can be like fire and ice or like oil and water. There will be times when you will be with someone and want to start a new beginning.

You will change over your relationship with your partner, and you will be together for a time when you can work together but learn to have separate identities and to work apart.

These karmic relationships will help you and others heal and will help the soul grow and mature.

Invisible Wounds

Karmic relationships will open up past wounds that you have that need to be healed. These will heal when you step out and work with your karmic partner to change your spirituality and heal the energy outside of your field that is holding you back.

When you have a karmic relationship, you will have a strong bond that is full of energy, and this will bring you healing. The relationship can keep the same pattern or can be different from the beginning.

Steps of Growing a Karmic Relationship

The first step in growing your karmic relationship is to look at your own self. Take time to figure out what lessons you might need to learn so that you can move on with an open mind.

If you have the same energy as other people do, you have to clear this energy so that you can get out of the karmic pattern and start a new relationship.

Healing wounded karmic relationships takes time and care, and you will need to start your soul at a new beginning. Just like you start new when you are starting life, needing shelter, food, and clothing, you must start new when entering into karmic relationships.

The person you meet will want to find someone that will be their friend or romantic partner, and they may start by mistreating you, which can be a balance of power because of old things in your life.

Starting new relationships too quickly after ending a karmic bond will make you go back into the previous life pattern that you were in.

Learn to recognize these situations and walk away if it brings up old or bad habits.

Close the Bonds

The relationship that you will have with this person is a karmic bond meaning that you have a long life past history with this person. Their energy will link you so that you will be linked with energy and a physical bond.

If you move or ignore someone or refuse to let them in, this will mean you probably aren’t in a karmic bond. Karmic relationships have to work together to get rid of the negative energies of your past.

You will cut your energy cords, and this will affect the bond that this person had with you. You might even have to perform a ceremony to cleanse your soul after cutting the energy cords. This can help you to find things in your relationship that were lost and to start new again.

Letting Go

Some people find that letting go of something is hard, but it is healthy. This helps you to close old wounds and lets your heart heal.

When you are bound to this person b karma, and you are healing and learning lessons, these patterns will happen with this person over and over and will last forever.

This means you might never have to do this kind of karmic relationship again as long as you do not fall into the same patterns. If you love this person, then you will see that karma can go in a new direction.

If your partner does not agree to learn their lesson, this is not your fault, and the universe will not hold it against you.

When you heal the karma for yourself, learn to recognize the patterns and see that the patterns have ended.

Benefits of Karmic Relationships

Being in a karmic relationship will allow you to forgive yourself and others and allow your heart chakra to open up. This is your last step towards enlightenment.

When you complete the healing for the karmic bond, you will find your true love and your soulmate, and this will be a relationship that can be a dream relationship.

Healing with a karmic bond is a test between your soul and the universe, and this can help you to realize that you have unhealed karma, and it can actually be healed, and you can be whole.

Once you heal from a karmic relationship, you will get rid of the pain that you have in your life, and you will learn to love and desire who you are.

If you have been through more than one karmic relationship, chances are you needed to learn more lessons and build your life so that you can be wise and improve who you are. This can be relationships that deepen your life.

Doing energy work can help to heal your life and relationships and help to bring you the wisdom that will take you to a new level in your life.

The relationship can teach you to value yourself and others and can help you to learn to love yourself again.


  1. Understanding that karmic relationships serve as lessons for the soul offers a comforting perspective on otherwise tumultuous experiences. However, the explanation of how these relationships can be both healing and damaging simultaneously raises questions about the dynamics involved. A more detailed exploration of this paradox would be enlightening.

  2. The concept of karmic relationships as outlined in this article is intriguing. It seems to suggest that relationships serve as mirrors to our own internal struggles, prompting growth and self-discovery. However, I’m curious about how one can objectively identify a karmic relationship versus a standard relationship that also has its ups and downs.

  3. The notion of karmic relationships as a tool for emotional and spiritual healing makes sense from a metaphysical standpoint. However, the practical steps to recognize and act upon these relationships are somewhat vague. More concrete examples or case studies would be helpful for readers trying to navigate these experiences.

  4. The detailed descriptions of the signs and phases of karmic relationships are helpful. Yet, the article could benefit from addressing the psychological aspects that often accompany such intense relational experiences. Integrating insights from psychology would offer a more holistic view of how to navigate these complex bonds.

  5. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the characteristics and potential benefits of karmic relationships. It is particularly interesting to see how these relationships can act as a catalyst for personal growth. Nonetheless, the idea of ‘cutting energy cords’ seems abstract, and I wonder how one can effectively achieve this.


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