Ways to Help a Medium Attract Love for You

Attract Love for You

One of the most frequent reasons people have for visiting psychics is to discover their true love.  However, people often don’t realize that the first step to finding love is to love and truly honor yourself.  If you don’t love yourself, then you may find yourself in a series of ungratifying relationships because you don’t know at a deeper level what it feels like to be cherished. Once you are able to see yourself and all your beautiful imperfections, then you can be truly open to finding your soulmate.

7 Ways how you can help a Psychic Medium attract your true love:

  1. Have the psychic medium take a reading of your love energy and identify areas of strength and need. 

Past joys and pains can influence your love energy.  It is like a muscle that needs to be flexed.  Ask for an aura reading to gain a better understanding of your past and current situations.  By recognizing triggers or sore spots, you can bypass toxic patterns, and the stronger it becomes, the more receptive you will be to healthier dynamics.

  1. During a psychic reading, ask the medium if your lack of sufficient love is tied to your Karma or Past Lives.

Life is essentially Earth School.  In previous lives, we had to learn lessons to make us more enlightened beings.  We are a sum of our actions, and, unfortunately, some baggage ports over into future lifetimes.  A skilled psychic medium can review your Akashic Record, which logs every feeling, thought, intent, word, or action generated throughout your life.  Allow them to advise you on how your Akashic Record is impacting your present and any tips you could use to create more love in your life.  As you heal past pain and balance your karma, you can expect to see additional improvements to your life, such as increased health, wealth, and knowledge.

3. During a psychic reading, ask for tools to draw your soulmate to you.

Finding true love is a team effort.  Use the medium to converse with your Spirit Guides and allow them to help you find the person that is worthy of your love.  Just because there are many fish in the sea doesn’t mean all deserve to be on your hook!

  1. If you are in a stalled relationship, ask if this person is right for you.

Spirit Guides are powerful allies.  They know you are on profound cosmic levels and work to ensure you live the best life possible.  They also are able to converse with their partner’s Spirit Guides to understand them and their karma better.  By employing your Spirit Guides, you can save precious time and avoid lasting hurts.  Moreover, understanding if your current partnership is true love, you can build up good karma by helping them avoid similar detours or pain.

  1. Are you doing actions subconsciously that prevent you from everlasting love?

Often, we don’t understand why we generate barriers to success.  Whether bad habits, psychic cords, or something else, psychic mediums can help us identify ways to correct patterns that can be blocking us from love.  The psychic medium can help us to balance our chakras and create more openness in mind, body, and spirit to allow us to receive the love that this was trying to find us.  Your dream mate will be more drawn to you and your love as you feel happier, healthier, and more inside yourself.

  1. Use the psychic reading to understand the qualities and values you are looking for in love.

Your psychic medium can use their gifts to help you understand what a successful love life and partnership manifests for you.  In addition, they can help you see the physical features of your future love and habits, interests, and values that matter to them.  By understanding what matters to both of you, you can begin to refine your habits and goals to be more in line with your soulmate and ensure a harmonious relationship.

  1. Seek advice to avoid relationship hurdles and strengthen your future relationship for decades to come.

Finding love doesn’t automatically lead to a happily ever after.  Love takes work, patience, and understanding.  Use your psychic consultation to map out the future with your sweetheart.  The psychic medium can provide tools to promote healthy love energy flow in each facet of your relationship.  Encourage them to speak with the Beings of Light who help nurture us with divine love.  Make sure to keep a record of all pieces of advice and practical tools.  This way, you will know that long after your consultation, divine forces are hard at work to maximize your ability to give and receive love.  They also will inspire you to remember that your most important loving relationship is with yourself.


  1. The article effectively outlines a multifaceted approach to finding love through self-improvement and psychic insights. It’s intriguing but might require a healthy dose of skepticism.

  2. The article brings an interesting perspective on love and the role of psychic mediums. However, I’m curious about the ethical implications of relying on a psychic for such personal matters.

    • Ethical considerations are indeed important. While some may find value in psychic advice, it’s crucial for individuals to also seek guidance from trusted friends, family, or trained professionals.

    • I agree. Combining psychic insights with practical advice from qualified counselors could provide a more balanced approach.

  3. While the article offers unique advice, it’s important to remember that personal growth and understanding often come from a combination of spiritual and practical sources.

  4. The concept of using an Akashic Record to understand past lives and their influence on current relationships is fascinating. It raises questions about how much our past impacts our present and future.

  5. This piece encourages introspection and self-love as pivotal steps towards finding a soulmate, which is commendable. However, it’s essential to approach psychic mediums with discernment.


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