Someone is Coming Back to You

Coming Back to You

Have you missed someone, or have you just gotten over them and out of nowhere you feel that there is a shift and something strange is happening around you? Maybe you can’t explain what you are feeling but the truth is, that person that you lost might be coming back to you.

Here are some signs that they might be coming back!

  • You Feel Them

Even though you might not have seen this person for a while, you out of nowhere feel them around you. You might feel their hands or feel them beside you. You can even smell their smell. This might be a strange feeling, especially when you see that they aren’t there, but this can be a sign that they are coming back to you.

  • You See Them in Your Mind

Another sign is that you might be sitting there and out of nowhere a memory with this person comes to your mind. Not just their face but you can see the exact memory play over like a movie. This is the universe trying to get you ready for your reunion.

  • Trouble Sleeping

Sometimes when the universe is trying to tell you something you might have a hard time sleeping. Maybe you are really sleepy, and you go to bed, but you wake up almost instantly. This can mean that the person is trying to think about you and manifest you back into their life.

  • You See Things That Remind You of Them

You are out and about, and you constantly see things that remind you of them. You might even hear someone talking and they say something that reminds you of a funny memory you had with this person. This isn’t a coincidence.

  • You Think You Hear Them

Another big sign is that you feel like you hear them. You hear them say something around you and you turn around and no one is there. This is just a sign that someone is coming back into your life.

  • You Meet Their Twin

They say that everyone has a twin, and you might be out somewhere and see someone that looks and reminds you just of them. You might have this happen because the universe wants you to remember how they made you feel.

  • Angel Number 227

If you see this number, it can mean that something is about to come back into your life, most likely a lost love. This can be the time 2:27 or it can be a station 22.7 or it can be a billboard or anything.

2 is a number that can mean union and 7 is a number that is shared between two people. If you see this number, it can mean that you are about to get back together.

  • You Feel Nostalgic

One sign is that you might start feeling nostalgic out of nowhere. You see things that you used to love to do with your partner and now you feel emotional about these things. This can be things that show you that they are going to come and create more memories with you.

  • You Are Up and Down

Maybe one minute you are super happy and then the next you are super sad. When this happens, it can mean that you are living your life based on something about to change and happen to you. You just have these strong emotions, and you can’t even explain them.

  • Moody

Another sign from the universe is being moody. You might feel happy now and sad in a minute. This can happen when there is a spiritual bond between two people, and you miss it. You might feel happy and sad over the same thing simultaneously. This can happen more when they are getting closer to coming to you.

  • You Have Social Media in Check

You might have social media trending with you, and you look and the person that you were with in the past is trending the same things that you are. This can be a sign that you are in sync with them.

  • You Dream

Dreaming about someone that you miss can be a sign that they are about to come back into your life. There can be hidden messages in your dream because the universe is trying to wake you up and bring happiness to you.

  • You Desire Change

Some people will desire to have something change in their life before their lost love comes back to them. If you’ve been dreaming of change and you feel that something better is out there for you, chances are that you are about to see someone come back.

  • You Feel Ready for Them

Maybe you finally feel ready for this person, and you are past any hurt or pain that they caused you. You might even be excited that they are thinking about coming into your life. Where you used to be insecure, now you are secure and ready for them to come back.

Final Thoughts

The universe is always preparing you for things around you. When someone comes back into your life this can be a moment that you need to prepare for. Pay attention to the signs and see if you can improve yourself along the way and you will be ready when they actually come back to you.


  1. The article suggests that mood swings can be a sign of someone’s impending return. I would be cautious about attributing such emotional changes to external factors without considering mental health aspects.

  2. The concept of feeling someone’s presence without them being physically there is quite intriguing. It might be worth exploring the psychological or neuroscientific explanations behind such phenomena.

  3. The notion of dreaming about someone as a sign they might return is fascinating. I wonder how much of this is influenced by our subconscious desires and how much, if any, by external factors.

    • Dreams often reflect our deepest thoughts and emotions. The idea that they could predict someone’s return sounds more like wishful thinking, although it’s a comforting notion.

    • Indeed, dreams are a complex interplay of our subconscious mind. It would be interesting to see if there’s any empirical research supporting this idea.

  4. I find the idea of seeing things that remind you of a lost person interesting. It seems like a mix of confirmation bias and the brain’s tendency to recognize patterns.

  5. The mention of angel numbers, specifically 227, is something I would like to delve deeper into. It seems like there’s a significant cultural and numerological context that needs further understanding.


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