Make Him Want You Bad!

Make Him Want You

Maybe you have a crush on someone and want to make him want you. Sometimes, people will come into your life, and you will never be able to make them attracted to you, but other times, you will be irresistible to them.

Some people are looking to attract certain partners, which is completely up to the universe and what the universe wants in your life. Even if you are attractive, it doesn’t mean you will get the man you want.

Some men are single and are still growing. They might not even be in any kind of real relationship and might get to the point where they are looking for something real. If he sees you out and you turn his eyes to you, chances are that he will be attracted to you. He might even see you out at the bar, catch your eyes, and consider walking over to you and introducing yourself.

He might ask himself what he wants in a woman because he has never found it. His past relationships might have been unsuccessful and a real turn-off.

Here are some qualities that a man like him might find irresistible about you:

  • Having Confidence

Men love women who are confident but not snobby. She will feel happy about who she is and be able to carry herself well. She sets boundaries and has self-care that keeps her strong in her mind, body, and soul.

She might show interest in him and see that he is amazing, but she will carry herself proudly and she will walk and move just like she is the sexiest thing.

  • Magnetism

Women who are irresistible to men are often magnetic. They are pretty, take care of their appearance, and look well-dressed. They are happy and well-manicured, and they take hygiene seriously. They get down to the details of their appearance, and they are nice on the inside and out.

  • Funny

Men like a humorous woman who loves to laugh and smile. She won’t be too weird or crazy, but she will be witty, funny, and sincere.

  • Focused

A woman who is focused on her partner is a real turn-on. She won’t fidget or get her phone out but will be present now. Her mind is clear, and she is only being distracted by him. She is a good listener and wants to be where he is.

  • Passionate

Men love women who are passionate about what they like. She will like her hobbies and her job, and she will love anything that she puts her heart into. She lets him know what she wants and has goals and inspirations.

  • Wisdom

A wise woman is able to hold a deep conversation and understand what is being said. She can talk about anything and will be proud to tell you who she is and what she wants in her life.

  • Independent

Independent women are attractive. They have lots of friends and know just what they want. They will not depend on someone to make them happy.

  • Appreciative

Women must appreciate what others do. If she is in a relationship, it will benefit her to appreciate what her man brings to the relationship and let him know.

  • Value

She knows that she is valuable, and he knows it because she knows it. She will make her man feel needed and valued as well as long as he does the same.

  • Loyalty

Men want a woman who will stand by them and protect them. She will be there, take care of their needs, love and nurture them, be loyal to a fault, and have them forever.

  • Calm

A man will never want to be with a crazy woman. He will want someone calm and collected and there to love and appreciate her man.

  • Can Take Love

Not only can she give love, but she can also receive it. She will let her man take care of her, protect her, and be attentive to her. She does this because she appreciates him and is thankful that he is in her life.

  • Uses Intuition

Intuition is there to guide her and show her that she is meant to be with someone or that she is meant to move on. She will know who he is based on what she hears him say and what his actions say. She will be able to use her intuition to guide her and to see if he is a real person or not.

Final Thoughts

Men want to know a woman for who she is. He wants someone who will be real and pursue him and not push him away. He will want someone that he can spoil and have on his arm.

It doesn’t always matter if you are good for him; what matters is that you motivate him to be a better person and show your love and care for him. Many women believe that they will meet the perfect man, but no one is perfect. Find a man that is valuable and open to you.

Who you are will attract a man to you, so make sure you are strong and independent. Be yourself, and don’t expect someone to change you. If they want to, then they probably aren’t for you.

Men cannot read your mind, so make sure that you share with him what you want so that he can know and give you the things that you need. Men are often simple and care about what is important to them. They want to protect those that they love, and they want to feel loved.

They need to feel appreciated and want you to be loyal to them. They will love your smarts and want to give you what you want and need. They will praise you and give you gifts, and you should do the same. The magnetism that you feel towards them can make you feel an understanding of who he is.

He will have dreams and goals just like you do, and as you show him that you care, he will not realize anything about you. As you move forward with him, let him see the real beauty in you, and you will learn to know him for who he is and let him know you.


  1. Oh sure, let’s just use a magical mix of confidence, humor, and hygiene to become ‘irresistible.’ Because relationships are just that simple, right?

  2. Wow, so if I just check off all these boxes, I’ll be perfect for any man? Thanks for the groundbreaking advice, Captain Obvious.

  3. This article brings up some valid points about the qualities men might find attractive in a woman. I believe the emphasis on confidence and independence is crucial.

  4. It’s important to recognize that the qualities mentioned are not only attractive to men but are hallmarks of a balanced and fulfilling life in general.

  5. It’s intriguing how the article emphasizes intuition and wisdom. These qualities are often overlooked but are incredibly important in a relationship.

  6. I find this article somewhat reductionist. It oversimplifies complex human interactions and relationships into a checklist of attributes.

  7. The notion that the universe decides who will be attracted to you sounds a bit mystical. I’d argue that individual choices and behaviors play a much larger role.


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